Sunday, May 23, 2010


I think I may have the hardest working husband in the world right now. Not only did he go to his regular 7-5 job this week, but he also planted many acres of soybeans, AND painted and put together furniture for our nursery. I am very blessed. Check out our nursery!!! I think we are officially READY! Now! Please!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

We're getting somewhere!!

I've had the best Mother's Day weekend! It started Saturday with my baby shower, followed by Saturday night when my family decided they would be productive and start changing rooms. Sunday was even more fun when I started moving Baby No Name Perkins' clothes into his closet. We ordered a crib, changing table, and dresser too and it should be here this week. So excited!!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Holy Baby Gifts!!!

We are still without a nursery for Baby No Name Perkins, but we have this wonderful bassinet to hold all of the gifts we have been getting. Both of my 4K classes gave me a surprise baby shower. I am one lucky mommy. My family has been working hard getting ready to throw me one more shower this weekend. It is a family tradition to make "baby booties" out of nut cups, marshmallows, and frosting. Last Saturday a few of my relatives got together and we made over 70 booties. It was hard work, but we felt accomplished afterwards. I received a phone call a few days later stating that my aunt's dog decided to eat 19 of the booties. I laughed, but she was a little upset. Good thing I'm a dog lover...I guess.